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Motion 48 Enchanter

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Motion 48 Enchanter Empty Motion 48 Enchanter

Post by Motion Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:17 pm

1] In-game: name/level/class/race/diety
Motion 48 High Elf Agnostic Enchanter
2] What made you decide to play on red ?
I got tired of the tunnel sitters on blue.  On red at least I have a chance to camp things myself if I want to.  
3]Did you play on any other pvp server in the past?
4] Describe your experience on RED. What do you like and dislike about it ?
I've enjoyed my time on red.  I've always played characters with the ability to solo so the lack of population hasn't bothered me too much.  All of the people I've come across have been decent to great.
5] Do you have any friends on RED or are you playing alone?
All alone
6] Why do you want to be a member of Hokuten ?
I've never raided and I'm looking for some fun people to be around and talk to.
7] What do you feel you bring to the table that will help advance the guild.
EQ is a fun escape from busy life.  I don't get stressed or upset about much.  I can provide some grounding influence.
8] What do you expect from us?
Just some fun people and good times
9] Anything else You'd like to tell us about yourself ?
I'm married with 4 kids so I play games to relax and get away from them at times.  HAHAHAH
10] if we raided 7 days per week from 7pm est to 10 pm est how many raids would you be able to make per week on a regular basis?
1 or 2.  My kids are busy with things.  7pm est is pretty early for them to all be home and out of the way.
11] Take a screenshot of your UI and Post the link with your application.
12] Who is your main and who is your main alt?
Motion is my main.  I have several lower level alts, but main one is Scotch a 20 iksar monk.

Last edited by Motion on Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:17 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Gained 2 levels last night)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-07-23

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